Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Hola_Racy Content Inside

 Hola peeps.

Seriously, hola.  I am excited to be back! I keep on just, starting these things and never finishing them. Partially, because life has taken on a different direction.

Mainly, in the bedroom.  Now, my husband has always been pretty stiff in the bedroom. I had been relegated to taking control and just leading the charge.

It got exhausting. Don't get me wrong, who doesn't love a little power? But, what do you do when the one and only person you are in a monogomous relationship with won't do all the things you want to do. ESPECIALLY when it's normal to want your partner to do similar things that YOU do to them.

It creates resentment. Frustration. And I am sure most folks can attest to that weird headspace you get into, where you want to please your partner


you can't get there yourself.

no boom.

and there is NO faking it until you make it.

Well, we had a complete discussion. I laid it all on the table. Almost 20 years with the same guy. Sure, I have had my share of umm, guests of the female persuasion.  But never another man. Never anyone but my guy.


he wasn't hitting the right notes. and I got fat after having 3 kids. so it shook my confidence. Still does. I haven't gone out and done the things yet.

its been years

and now, now after having a sincere honest deep conversation

yall hes trying. hes doing the most. I cant keep his hands off of me. it makes me feel sexy and empowered. hes still stiff, but he's loosening up.

He made my body do things its never done before. and he enjoys it. 

I do too.

I think this is the reality of being a parent. You are still yourself. But you add more. You cannot forget about yourself though. It's not selfish to want to feel good, sexy, and have a great sex life. 

We all can only bone for so long, right? 

Have a great day.

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IDGAF Anymore

 Hello All It's been a minute. I am over my life in general at the moment. The kids, the husband, and the job. There is simply no peace....